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Seafarers Deserve Support

A fantastic campaign from BIMCO shown in the video below. At Conti Carwil we recognise the essential role that our seafarers have and continue to play in order to keep our supply chains moving even through the most difficult of times.

We want to extend our thanks to all of the crews, agents and stevedores that make all of this possible

The quote from BIMCO’s Secretary General and CEO, David Loosley surrounding their campaign and a fantastic video is available at

“Never have we faced more urgency to make sure our seafarers are given the support they need and the fairness they deserve. These are the people that keep the world supplied, the people behind world trade,” says BIMCO’s Secretary General and CEO, David Loosley.

BIMCO has launched a new film, “Seafarers Deserve Support", with the aim to raise awareness of the crucial role that our seafarers play world-wide. Help us raise awareness by sharing the film.

“The pandemic has demonstrated that too many outside the shipping community are unaware of the crucial role that seafarers play. The lack of action by governments needs to be addressed repeatedly so that our seafarers are protected and can go home safely after work,” Loosley says.


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